ACF: Repeater Fields

Below is my Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) cheatsheet for repeater fields.
***This is a work in progress.

Basic Usage:

In the basic usage we need to check if the repeater exists and has fields.
Then we get the sub field values.

<?php if ( have_rows('repeater_field') ): ?>

	<?php while ( have_rows('repeater_field') ) : the_row();
	$sub1 = get_sub_field('sub_field_1');
	$sub2 = get_sub_field('sub_field_2');
	<div><?php echo $sub1 ?></div>
	<div><?php echo $sub2 ?></div>
	<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Outside the Loop:

We use this when we want the repeater outside WordPress’s the_post(); loop or query.

When we know the post or page ID

<?php if ( have_rows('repeater_field', 123) ): ?>

	<?php while ( have_rows('repeater_field', 123) ) : the_row();
	$sub1 = get_sub_field('sub_field_1');
	<div><?php echo $sub2 ?></div>
	<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

When we don’t know the post or page ID but we are on the correct page.
global $post; gets the post or page ID outside the loop.

<?php global $post; ?>
<?php if ( have_rows('repeater_field', $post->ID ) ): ?>

	<?php while ( have_rows('repeater_field', $post->ID) ) : the_row();
	$sub1 = get_sub_field('sub_field_1');
	<div><?php echo $sub2 ?></div>
	<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Getting fields from the Options Page

<?php if ( have_rows('repeater_field', 'option') ): ?>

	<?php while ( have_rows('repeater_field', 'option') ) : the_row();
	$sub1 = get_sub_field('sub_field_1');
	$sub2 = get_sub_field('sub_field_2');
	<div><?php echo $sub1 ?></div>
	<div><?php echo $sub2 ?></div>
	<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Get only the 1st Row:

Skip the 1st Row:

Display random Rows:

Get from a Category or Taxonomy:

Get Even / Odd rows:

Even / Odd is very handy for adding CSS classes to the fields.

if ( get_row_index() % 2 == 0 ) :
	$class = 'class="promo_item pb'. $pbox .'"';
	$overlay = '<div class="overlay" style="background-image: url('. $img['sizes']['Promo'] .')"></div>';
else :
	$class = 'class="promo_item green pb'. $pbox .'"';
	$overlay = '<div class="overlay" style="background-image: url('. $img['sizes']['Promo'] .')"></div>';